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Akashic Record Reading

What Are The Akashic Records?

There is a library that contains everything about you. Your life, all the things you've done, thought, felt this life time and the past.

It's called the Akashic Records. It is a vibrational library in the fifth dimension, not an actual physical library. It contains all the information of the universe of all beings from the beginning of time and space. In the old and new testament of the bible it's called the Book of Life.

The word Akasha comes from Sanskrit and means primary substance from which all things are formed.

When you enter the Akashic records you are entering the soul's blueprint. The essence of what makes that soul who she or he is. It is a very privileged and honored place to be. In the records you can find out the who, why, and what of any situation. In other words why you chose certain experiences, relationships, issues, blocks. What you can do about it to create the life you really want. And who you really are based on your skills, abilities and gifts. You can experience past lives and see some future possibilities. You can also find out information on houses, paintings, times in history, pets. Anything that is on the planet. The records are filled with wisdom. They are a source of information and understanding. There is no judgment, negativity or meanness in the records. Just pure knowledge.

Can You Enter Your Own Records?

Absolutely. Anyone can enter their own records. What is vitally important is that when you enter the records you have a clear understanding of what you're really looking for. You see the records are HUGE and the data on you is mind blowing. Everything you've thought, felt, experienced is stored in there. If you don't have a clear intention of why you're in there you could get overwhelmed or lost in the information. When you go into the records with questions your guides, teachers, angels now know how to direct you.

You cannot enter another persons records without their permission unless you are in a very close relationship with them. Even in those cases, if that person's highest self does not like you in their records you will be shut out. When you enter someone's records you are moving about in their soul's history. If you don't know what you're doing you can accelerate their soul's journey and they might not be ready for it!

The highest degree of integrity and intention is required in the records. Whatever your intentions are, is what the records will reflect back to you. Let me give you an example. When I started doing record readings I entered my own records with pure curiosity. I had no questions, no clear intentions, I was just mucking around in there. Every single piece of information I received was confusing. Because the records reflect us, they reflect what is going on inside of us as well. There are some areas that you are not permitted to enter no matter how much you want to! I have been kicked out at least once trying to go where I didn't belong! In the records are your guides, teachers, angels, loved ones and Akashic record keepers who maintain the highest level of integrity when you or someone else enters a record.

You can use the Akashic Records to find out:

• What your life's purpose is.

• What lessons you're here to learn.

• What your unique, gifts, talents and abilities are.

• Why you're attracting a certain kind of relationship or friendship.

• Why you're having health or money issues.

• Explain the reasons why something happened in your life.

• Why you're stuck and how to get unstuck.

• What you need to do to move forward.

• What steps you can take to align to your soul's purpose NOW.

• Which guides, angels, master teachers and loved ones are helping on the other side.

• You can heal old patterns and thoughts that no longer serve you.

• Find out about past lives that are still affecting you today.

• Understand your families legacy and heal issues.

• Heal yourself in the Akashic records.

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