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Soul Coaching

Soul Coaching is a very special coaching process that acknowledges that YOUR SOUL, YOUR HIGHER SELF, know the answers. Your Soul Coaching Practitioner has been trained to use a very special coaching technique, and a variety of processes and program to assist your in clear away your mental debris, so that you can hear your soul's calling.

Soul healing and Coaching starts with the premise that this lifetime is one life in a series of incarnations that focus on fulfilling specific soul contracts and learning specific soul lessons. True healing and worldly success comes from connecting with your true self and fulfilling your soul contracts. While traditional psychotherapy works only with present-life material, soul healing acknowledges the reality of past-lives and heals the past-life karma that impacts current-life issues. In soul healing and Coaching, interactively guided shamanic trance journeys are used to access lower, middle, and upper spiritual worlds and work directly with the compassionate spirits and places of healing and wisdom that are a part of non-ordinary reality. Experiences that occur on soul healing journeys to non-ordinary reality have a profound impact on your day to day life and are a primary vehicle for change. All Soul Path sessions are holistic, integrate somatic, transpersonal, shamanic and expressive arts therapies, and work with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of the self simultaneously. There is a particularly strong emphasis on including the body in all psycho-spiritual and shamanic work.

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