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Soul Healing

Soul healing sessions are designed to help people who have a reasonable degree of personality health and integration move to the next step in their personal journey of growth and awakening. The goals of soul healing are very different from the goals of traditional psychotherapy. Psychotherapy helps you heal the pain that prevents you from normal, healthy functioning in one or more areas of your life. Sessions focus on significant problems that interfere with daily life such as clinical depression and anxiety, drug and alcohol addiction, severe childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect, and oppressive or violent intimate relationships. In contrast, soul healing is a deep psycho-spiritual shamanic path whose primary focus is aligning you with your True Self and your best destiny tracks. Soul healing helps you expand your spiritual awareness, heal multi-lifetime karmic patterns and themes, build conscious connections with your spirit guides, develop loving soulmate relationships, and achieve personal and professional goals that are in alignment with your True Self and your soul’s path. Put simply, psychotherapy is about fixing what is broken and soul healing is about expanding into your potential and fulfilling your highest destiny.

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